Friday, August 22, 2008

Hong Kong and a Headache!!!

:)Hello from China!! I'm in Hong Kong right now and will be here for the next two days. Then we hop on a train for some 30 hours to get to Guilin! 30 hours!!?? That is what the head teacher tells me but that seem a little ridiculous! Of course, I'm in China!, what do I expect :) Well, I miss Erika like Tyler misses food (he's fat) but I'm sure it will get easier. It's mostly due to the fact that the internet isn't consistent here in Hong Kong. We are staying in a YMCA hotel and I have to pay for the internet. So, we have time constraints that normally wouldn't be there. Oh! Let me speak from personal experience, an 8 typhoon is nothing to worry about :) That is apparently what is going on outside RIGHT NOW! But, it looks like a weak rainstorm in Vegas to me :)

The converter I bought doesn't work with my computer!? Everything else works fine with it but I just can't get power through it to my computer! So, I'm using my roommates right now, I'll buy one that fits my computer tomorrow. Then I won't feel bad about using his to charge my computer when he needs it to charge his too. Well, that is it for now! I'll let you know how the train ride went when I get to Guilin...although I don't expect to be suprised, I rarely am :) YOurS TruLey, R. Vronick

1 comment:

liNdsEYloO said...

you're giving ME a headache. hahaahha jk