Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Law School and Normal School!

While we were enjoying ourselves standing in line for 2 hours for Space Mountain at Disnyeland we found out some news...Richard got a 161 on the LSAT! Yay! That is in the 84th percentile and awesome. Ever since we have been researching Law Schools. Here are some at the top of our list:

1. Temple University (That's in Pennsylvania)
2. Pepperdine (Malibu)
3. Cornell (New York)
4. American University (D.C.)
5. Santa Clara
6. Indiana
7. BYU
8. George Mason (D.C.)

And a few more. We are SO VERY excited :)

As for normal school. My constitutional law midterm (Law, Politics, and War) that I wrote about a while ago got handed back to me yesterday:

This came from the hardest teacher in the department! A positive attitude makes a world of difference!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I love my life.

Can I just take a minute to tell you all how much I LOVE my life!

School is the hardest its ever been. (Can you say, Constitutional Law!?!) But I love it. A challenge, finally. Sometimes I complain, but really, it is such a blessing to be able to do this! I will ROCK the midterm on Monday (with some faith and luck!)

My best friend was married the same summer as me. I love her dearly and her new husband. It was hard there for a while when I was married and she was single, but now that she has joined our ranks, we are back at it again.

The temple is literally 5 minutes away from our house. Being able to go there and work for my family let's me forget about myself for a while.

Richard is awesome. Sometimes being a girl is just sucky. I'm whiney and my hormones (which I picture as little evil people whispering to my brain) tell me things like, "Be mean to Richard" or "Cry for no reason" or "You hate how you look today." Blah. Richard is just a champ. We laugh ourselves to sleep. Randomly when I'm in the car with him, I think to myself, when did all this happen? We are married? Life is too crazy.

Okay enough of this. :) I am just so happy. It took me a while to realize that the Federalist Papers will not kill me. I will survive and I will love it!