Friday, May 1, 2009

Wedding Plans...

Okay, so I have begun planning in earnest. Now that I'm committing to all these things, I thought I might need a second opinion. If you see anything on here that is hideous and you are thinking I am out of my mind, please let me know. A combination of birth control pills and general stress has fried my brain. :)

Okay, firstly. The decorations I am really excited about. My grandma has done flowers for a long time and we decided to do the flowers ourselves. I have always wanted a simple theme, this is kinda what I am envisioning.

I love, love, love the jars of random arrangements of flowers!
This is what I want my bouquet to look like...I think.

Maybe this?
I've always been transfixed on two things, and now especially for my wedding: my hair and my shoes! I REALLY wanted to leave my hair down, but since my dress has a high collar, it would be sad if no one could see it. So I've been thinking something like this:

Or this:

But I really wanted something like this:

And the next step plaguing my mind is to veil or not to veil. I've already decided a short one is the best fit, but there are too many options. Maybe I should go without? Sorry about the creepy mannequin heads. Let's see:

This one is my very favorite (minus the feathers, ick) :

Or should I do something completely different?
And for shoes. These were the ones I was dying to have, but I can't find them ANYWHERE!

And these are pretty sweet:
But I will probably have to settle for something like this: (I know Richard is tall, these heels are for you, Grandma)

For the reception I am really excited about the theme! We are just doing a simple rustic backyard wedding party! I decided to have cupcakes instead of cake (except we will have a little one to appease my mother), and flowers and candles and grass. :) Although it stays light out super late, we are going to string up some lights and have lots of candles. I think it'll be sweet awesome.

Here is kinda what I am envisioning:

Obviously there are a thousand other things that I need advice on, but this would never get done. Expect a Part II. :)

1 comment:

anna banana said...

I think the flowers in jars look great, and if you are doing some hanging jars with candles those will go right along with eachother.

I think the first hairdo seems more like an updo with some of the benefits of wearing your hair down. With all the curls and things it will look really pretty and feminine.

I love love love a short veil.

I like the gold flats as well I think they are pretty.

Lights outside are always gorgeous, and the cupcakes look darling!

I think it looks like it will be gorgeous!